Interview with a Jersey great — Photographer Jason Bryan of Goldenboy Photography

The Tri State area has its fair share of talented photographers and I happen to ctach up with one. His name is Jason Bryan and New Jersey Native.  Jason has knack for making all his models feel very comfortable to the point where he has some  models he works with on a consistent basis.  He took some time out to answer a few of my questions.

Thank you Jason for taking time out for the interview.























1) How long have you been in photography?
I’ve been doing photography for 10 years.

2) Tell me what got you started in photography?

My very first time was in high school. I was doing it as a way to pass the time and it was ok. It didn’t really get great until I started college and had to really think about my images. It was more like fine art then fashion photography.

3) What do you like most about photography?

The thing i like most are the emotions my images give me. When i look at a picture it’s almost like I relive the moment that I took it. What i was thinking and feeling at that particular moment.

4) What is your least favorite part of photography?

My least favorite part is not doing what I want to do when I want to do it. not having the time or resources to create what i have stuck in my head.

5) Where do you see your career going?

i see it progressing slowly as I continue to develop my style. coming from a simple background i don’t like to use a lot of equipment. I prefer natural looks and lighting.

6) Have you participated in a modeling/photography workshop?
Yes. I once did a shoot out at Jones beach with 4 other photographers and a group of models and two makeup artists.

7) What advice would you give to those who want to become a photographer?

Practice as much as possible. Try not to get caught up in the particulars. Find what you like and do it till it becomes yours.

8) Who would be your dream person to work with?

Johnny Depp or Lady Gaga… They are characters that I think would be interesting subjects to photograph. They are twisted already by media and i’d love to capture their true selves.

9) What was your most creative shoot?
I once shot in the desert outside of Las Vegas. I wished I had more time to prepare because the shoot was very quick and I only ended up with 1 usable image.

10) What was your best client experience?
The 1st time i worked with Franca. She is the sweetest model I ever shot. She did her own makeup and we took pictures in the park. She was so easy going and our personalities clicked so well that just about every image was amazing.

11) Ever had a bad client experience?
Several. My worst was shooting a sweet 16. I did everything in my power to have a great night and it seemed like everything was just off. Bad lighting, malfunctioning cameras and the client wasn’t happy with the images. I must have worked on the images 3 times each over the course of a month and they still didn’t like them.

12) What magazine is your dream to work with?
my DREAM magazine would be to shoot a spread for GQ! I’ve wanted to shoot the cover since I saw the issue with Jake Gyllenhall on the cover.

13) Any favorite time period that inspires you?
I’ve always been inspired by the middle ages. I’ve always wanted to do a knight in arms with his lady. Or a gladitorial combat themed piece.

14) What do you think a photographer should do to prepare for a shoot?
Check all your equipment before hand. make sure everything is packed and that you have a backup plan. As Murphy’s Law states “anything that can go wrong, probably will.”

15) What genres of photography do you shoot?

I shoot mainly Editorial and or Fashion. I have done Weddings but have yet to experience the creative freedom I would like to with it.

16) What might we find in your camera bag?

In my bag, lots of batteries and lots of memory cards. I usually never use more than 1 or 2 but I like to be prepared for anything.

17) Do you have any favorite subjects and which one would you most want to work with?
I really do enjoy working with human models. I try to tell a story that I think only people can empathize and or relate to.

18) Are you multitalented (doing more than just photography)?
I think I am. I like to also draw/paint and write. Though lately I haven’t been too inspired to paint or draw anything. Hopefully the upcoming events will help break this (artist’s block) I seem to be experiencing.

19) What are your personal opinions about retouching?
Retouching is fine, it can really enhance an image or “finish” it. I just don’t prefer that it doesn’t make the subject look waxy or plastic. I love a natural looking image.

20) Anything else we should know about you?

I’m a big goofball and a kid. I love cartoons and to have fun. Life is way too serious and if you don’t have fun you won’t enjoy it.

The best way to reach Jason is through

 phone: 862-452-7803